In Her Shoes

In Her Shoes


#InHerShoes / 2022

Ok yes, our shoes are real cute, but what's even more cute and cool and stylish and inspiring are all the badass people in our shoes. So this year, we decided to pass the mic to some longtime supporters and CS connoisseurs, and asked them to help bring our shoes to life. The challenge? Style one shoe three different ways and tell us a little bit about yourself while doing it. The result? As expected, incredible.

Keep scrolling to see what Jillian (@jillianktz on IG) gets up to in our Tangerine Marlos.

Who are you and what are you about?
I’m a service designer, which means I redesign the way we engage with infrastructure in varying scales and contexts to improve our experience of the world. I’d say I’m an old soul who hungers for adventure and loves to nurture anything that’s alive. My husband says I’m kind to the core, loving, and a free spirit and swears I’m part earth witch.


Where are you from & where do you live now?
I’m born, raised, and currently living in Toronto!


How did you find out about Charlotte Stone?
Through my friend Kate, aka @readwritethrift.


How do your feet measure up in our shoes?
My feet are narrow with basically no arch, and the Marlos fit true to size, with my heels comfortably flush to the edge (no overhang and no awkwardly large amount of extra space at the back: just the way I like it!).


Describe your style in three words.

Whimsical, bold, thoughtful.



On an average day, you’ll find me in:
My style changes almost daily…I gravitate towards loose (but tailored!) denim and statement jackets over tanks/tees.


When I’m not working, you’ll find me:
In one of three places: the garden, my indoor jungle (plant mom, guilty as charged!), or at whatever market has popped up.


What are you passionate about?
I’m passionate about so much, it’s hard to write about it all. I would say I am most passionate about finding ways to nourish my soul while benefiting the earth and the people around me. That can look like a lot of different things. Lately, it’s reassessing the way I consume and talk about fashion, and spending time with nature.


Who or what inspires or influences your style?
Mostly architecture, plants, and how different materials drape and move. I’m also very inspired by individual designers’ ethos, missions, and approach to clothing. I’m always in awe of designers who can turn a garment into wearable art, but also make a positive impact.


Do you have a style icon? Why are they your style icon?

My mom is my OG style icon!

There’s a photo of me somewhere at 2 or 3 years old, wrapped in one of her silk scarves and standing in her high heels, with her lipstick all over my face. I’d be far less fashionable without my mother!

What are you watching or reading or hobbying right now?
I’m re-watching True Blood! Such a great series. It’s also *finally* summer in Toronto, so I’ve been gardening nonstop. It’s my favourite spring/summer activity!


What three things could you not live without?
My husband, my cats, and naps.


What article of clothing are you living in right now?
My “Anti-fit” denim from Kotn. They are the perfect amount of slouchy, sit so nicely on the waist, are so comfortable, and just work with everything!


What “traditional” styling rule do you love to break?
White pants all winter long!


What is one weird fashion trend from your youth that you kind of wish came back?
I was a ‘90s kid…and a naughts teen.

‘90s revival is great, but I am so not here for the low rise jeans, bedazzled everything comeback.

If I have to pick, I’d say I wish a (refined) version of the classic Brittany Spears and Justin Timberlake Canadian Tuxedo wouldn’t be too bad…?


What is one thing about yourself people might be surprised to find out?
I’m a total homebody! It’s so difficult to get me out of a cozy situation once I’m settled in.


Meet Jodenny

#InHerShoes / 2022

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