In Her Shoes

In Her Shoes


#InHerShoes / 2021

Ok yes, our shoes are real cute, but what's even more cute and cool and stylish and inspiring are all the badass people in our shoes. So this year, we decided to pass the mic to some longtime supporters and CS connoisseurs, and asked them to help bring our shoes to life. The challenge? Style one shoe three different ways and tell us a little bit about yourself while doing it. The result? As expected, incredible.

Keep scrolling to see what Julia (@style.serotonin on IG) gets up to in our Tangerine Teegans.

Who are you and what are you about?
I am a Certified Goober and I work in the philanthropy field. I feel fortunate to work with a special group of people who allow me every day to fly my freak flag and still welcome me with acceptance and love. Or at least tolerance. But I’ll take it. I’m also a unique and valid individual who happens to be a mom.


Where are you from & where do you live now?
I was born and raised in New Zealand and I now live in San Antonio, TX.


How did you find out about Charlotte Stone?
I was influenced on Instagram and I did not look back.


Describe your style in three words.

Colorful, eclectic, uncool.



On an average day, you’ll find me in:
Grandma pants and a button-down of some sort, preferably pattern mixed to the hilt.


When I’m not working, you’ll find me:
Procrastinating home renovation tasks, mostly. Luckily that’s easy with two sprogs and the ever-eternal promise of Thrift Gold.


What are you passionate about?
Old things, color, pattern, authenticity.


Who or what inspires or influences your style?
All sorts of things! Stylish Insta-persons and Pinterest are obvious ones, but also memories, moods, movies. The aforementioned passion for old things and vintage is a big driver.


Do you have a style icon? Why are they your style icon?

Honestly, I really don’t. Anyone who marches to the beat of their own fashion drum is a style icon in my book.

I love that we all have our own taste, our own way of expressing ourselves in how we dress (even if you think you don’t- you do). Clothes can be transformative, a way of expressing yourself and/ or the person you want to put out into the world. But at the end of the day, what is most important is that you feel good in what you wear. Of course, I’ve had 30-mumble years to come to this realization—I spent years wearing things that I had decided were what I should wear but weren’t really what I wanted to wear. And that’s ok! Who cares?! Do whatever until you find what works for you.


What are you watching or reading or hobbying right now?
My hobby is buying old houses and regretting it. We're knee-deep in a renovation of a 1936 limestone beast in SATX right now (hence the bare walls and lack of baseboards) and we’re lucky if a week goes by and we don’t discover a new issue. My other hobby is daydreaming about how I want my house to look but then not actually doing anything to move forward to that point.


What three things could you not live without?
A to-do list, a clean car, purpose.


What article of clothing are you living in right now?
Earlier this year I thrifted a shapeless, oversized, tie-dye ankle length t-shirt dress. It is my go-to at the end of the day when I transition out of work clothes to comfies. It’s extremely unflattering but It Has Pockets™ and it’s the most comfortable thing I own.


What “traditional” styling rule do you love to break?

I deplore any and all styling rules.


What is one weird fashion trend from your youth that you kind of wish came back?
I don’t have to wish, they all came back already! #old


What is one thing about yourself people might be surprised to find out?
I used to design a fashion line! I also dabbled in Surface Pattern Design for a while. I’d love to get back into that, and start sewing for myself again. After I closed my business I was a little burned out on the whole design/ pattern-making/ sewing process and it has been way too long since I stretched those muscles.



Meet Gina

#InHerShoes / 2021

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