In Her Shoes

In Her Shoes


#InHerShoes / 2022

Ok yes, our shoes are real cute, but what's even more cute and cool and stylish and inspiring are all the badass people in our shoes. So this year, we decided to pass the mic to some longtime supporters and CS connoisseurs, and asked them to help bring our shoes to life. The challenge? Style one shoe three different ways and tell us a little bit about yourself while doing it. The result? As expected, incredible.

Keep scrolling to see what Lindsay (@girlwiththebob on IG) gets up to in our Acid Biancas.

Who are you and what are you about?
I am a Senior Manager of Learning & Transformation at Cartier. I'm often traveling all over California and North America for work, so I live a bit of a jetsetter lifestyle. I love live music, so you will usually find me at some sort of show. I am a modern hippie at heart who has embraced the vibes and spirit of California!


Where are you from & where do you live now?
From Richmond, VA, went to school in the DC area, lived in New York for 8 years, lived in Miami for a year and a half, and now live in Highland Park in Los Angeles.


How did you find out about Charlotte Stone?
Camilly :) [CS note: our Co-Founder]


How do your feet measure up in our shoes?
I have a wide foot with an average arch. Bianca fits super comfortably and can go for hours wearing her.


Describe your style in three words.

Playful, vintage, girly.



On an average day, you’ll find me in:
A plane or at a concert.


When I’m not working, you’ll find me:
At a concert.


What are you passionate about?
Music, my family (2 beagles and a husband), and my neighborhood community in Highland Park.


Who or what inspires or influences your style?
I tend to look to the past for style influences. I am most inspired by the fashion of the 60's and 70's.


Do you have a style icon? Why are they your style icon?

Twiggy—I'm obsessed with a Mod look and the style of 60's London.


What are you watching or reading or hobbying right now?
I have been to 7 concerts in the last two weeks between Santa Barbara, LA, Austin and New York—most shows were modern Americana music.


What three things could you not live without?
Music, lipstick, and matcha.


What article of clothing are you living in right now?
I have a new denim jacket with rhinestone fringe that is pretty amazing.

And honestly? I am also obsessed with my CS Dermots and Kims :)


What “traditional” styling rule do you love to break?
There is no such thing as too many colors.


What is one weird fashion trend from your youth that you kind of wish came back?
Jelly shoes.


What is one thing about yourself people might be surprised to find out?
I used to own 4 pet rats. I'm an animal lover :)



Meet Taylor

#InHerShoes / 2022

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