In Her Shoes

In Her Shoes


#InHerShoes / 2022

Ok yes, our shoes are real cute, but what's even more cute and cool and stylish and inspiring are all the badass people in our shoes. So this year, we decided to pass the mic to some longtime supporters and CS connoisseurs, and asked them to help bring our shoes to life. The challenge? Style one shoe three different ways and tell us a little bit about yourself while doing it. The result? As expected, incredible.

Keep scrolling to see what Nefertiti (@hrhkingnef on IG) gets up to in our Camel Bryns.

Who are you and what are you about?
I am lover of inspiration and a creative thinker. I love to make things. I gather inspiration from every source.


Where are you from & where do you live now?
I am originally from Roxbury MA and now live in Brooklyn NY. 12 years and counting!


How did you find out about Charlotte Stone?
A couple of really good friends put me on and now I am obsessed.


How do your feet measure up in our shoes?
I normally wear a 12 but I have wide feet and the reason I love your shoes is that I can wear the 13, and not only does it give me a little room, but the width actually works for me. I also have a very high arch and I love that your shoes support that! The Byrn is a perfect fit for my long but wide foot. Very comfy and sturdy.


Describe your style in three words.

Pam Grier in leopard prints.



On an average day, you’ll find me in:
Platform shoes and really short shorts, or bell bottoms if it is winter 😭


When I’m not working, you’ll find me:
Taking care of my plants and planning my next craft project.


What are you passionate about?

Creating and being of service.


Who or what inspires or influences your style?
Right now I'm really into revolutionary style. I am a big fan of the evolution of fashion. Recently I've been drawing inspiration inspiration from my parents when they were young. Lots of 70s inspired looks. I've also been looking at people like Betty Davis, 70s Cher, Donna Summer and Jimi Hendrix. I love the colors and shapes.


Do you have a style icon? Why are they your style icon?
Right now I would say Betty Davis or 70s Chaka Khan. Both had no inhibitions when it came to their look. They were also very precise in the image that they were putting out there. From the hair to the shoes to the dress et cetera. Dressing with a purpose. Nothing is an afterthought. The outfit or the look is well thought out. I love the way they communicate with their style.


What are you watching or reading or hobbying right now?
I am a big fan of historical romance. I'm so happy for Julia London and the Bridgerton series. It is a well deserved boon the well deserved boon to see her series on television. I am enjoying reading other historical authors as well and diving in to some political books.


What three things could you not live without?
My sewing machine, my collection of essential oils and inspiration.


What article of clothing are you living in right now?
I have an amazing Dutch wax print skirt from a friend and I wear that as much as I can. Sometimes twice a week. 🤫


What “traditional” styling rule do you love to break?
Print matching. I love a good mixing of prints.


What is one weird fashion trend from your youth that you kind of wish came back?

I adore 80's big ruffles and lame. The eighties is a slept on decade.

I do feel like we're coming back to those things now but the shapes and colors were the best in that decade.


What is one thing about yourself people might be surprised to find out?
That I am a romantic.


Meet Lauren

#InHerShoes / 2022

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